Cockroach Treatments In Hawkes Bay

Cockroaches are one of the most horrible bugs to have because they infest into everything if left untreated. You may have an infestation that will only get worse with time. 
Mayfair Pest Control can treat your home and will guarantee your home to be free of cockroaches. Often the rogue one gets in but will quickly die.

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021 1292607

06 8766099

Gisborne Cockroaches

This is the Gisborne roach and is the predominant cockroach found in Hawkes bay in most homes. These are the ones you generally see on your ceiling or walls or climbing up the curtain. You also see these in around your garage and woodshed

How To Get Rid Of Gisborne Cockroaches

Gisborne cockroaches need a full internal and external spraying of all areas with a suitable product.  

  • Cockroaches are one of the most horrible bugs to have because they infest into everything if left untreated.
  • Mayfair Pest Control can treat your home inside and out and will guarantee your home for  6 months to be free of cockroaches. Often the rogue one gets in but will quickly die
  • Often Cockroaches come out once everyone has gone home for example in tea rooms they are known to be seen after dark as often they are nocturnal. 

German Cockroaches

If you have cockroaches under your bench-top - in your pantry and fridge then you have German cockroaches.

german cockies

How To Get Rid Of German Cockroaches

  • Gel treatments are the best way to treat German Cockroaches however to treat the Gisborne or American roach a spray treatment is always all that is needed. Contact Mayfair Pest Control to make a booking.
  • German Cockroaches are often found clambering around inside the kitchen cupboards infesting areas such as the pantry, under the sink areas and inside the hot water cupboards.
  • Gel treatments are more effective in the manner that they have a transfer effect due to the habits they perform. Once a German Cockroach has been infected with the chosen gel baits then grooming and the consumption of other feces and dead are the best ways to transfer the poisons therefore killing up to as many as 40 more in the death chain.
  • To get rid of roaches contact you pest manager to quote the job or give you an idea of cost before treating. One treatment is often all is needed due to the nature of treatments on the professional pest controllers suppliers lists.

Areas We Service

Hastings . Napier . Taradale . Havelock North . Waimarama