Hawkes Bay has a major problem with flies. This is due to the weather variables we have which creates more and faster breeding conditions.
Most people when treating their homes opt for the main method of spraying their homes. Sometimes we cannot get the desired effect for controlling flies so check out below the reasoning behind this
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Reducing Fly Population
The most successful of fly reduction is a combination physical barriers, reducing attraction and application of residual sprays where flies land and gather. This is often under eaves , in vegetation and inside on building walls and ceiling's. Flies then land on treated surfaces and the spray then enters the body.
Why Do Flies Not Appear To Be Reducing
Cluster Flies
Cluster flies have in the last year been the pain for many rural and farm houses. The Cluster Fly invades in plague like proportions in the rural community due to its breeding nature and feeding on earth worms. Wet and humid conditions are partly to blame and often there is no defense on the pesky visitors.